Catnip - Nepeta Cataria, Attract Love ~ Positive Energy ~ Sleep Aid

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Catnip - Nepeta Cataria

Attract Love ~ Positive Energy ~ Sleeep Aid 

Natural substitute for Valium

Stimulant for felines but acts as a strong sedative and a tranquilizer for humans.

Excellent tea to promote a sound nights sleep without nightmares but too much may induce lethargy in the morning.

Has also been used for asthma, hiccups, measles, cataracts and coughs.

Blended with other herbs such as Skullcap, Valerian, Hops or Passion Flower to induce relaxation.

Often used with Chamomile or Mints for gas & colic.

Chewed for tooth aches but Bear Root works better.

Commonly used in tea form but also known to be smoked.

Also used for animal magick & healing pets, increases psychic bond with animals & familiars.

Used in teas to promote a sense of happiness, relaxation & well being.

Can also be used during meditation.

Ritual Catnip:


Attract Love ~ Positive Energy~Animal Totems

Combined with Rose Buds & Petals to attract a new love.

Brings fertility to both the womb or to a creative idea.

Combined with Dragons Blood to call in positive energies and to help stop bad habits.

Combined with Blood Root for addictions.

When seeking the help or identity of your personal animal helper then consume it during vision quest or meditations.


Smoking Catnip:

Strong Nervine~Mild Flavor

Enjoyable, calming smoke on its own and also combines well with other relaxation herbs such as: Passion Flower, Skullcap, Chamomile & Wild Opium.

Benefits the lungs and may be combined with other respiratory herbs like Mullein.

Helps to mellow the taste of bitter herbs like Bear Root & Calamus while enhancing their properties.

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& are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure disease.
